Eyes, JAPAN Blog > Make Apple-like document using AppleDoc

Make Apple-like document using AppleDoc



I ever had a blog about how to use Doxygen generating documentation for Xcode project. To generate the Apple-like documentation, you can use AppleDoc.

There is official github page for it: https://github.com/tomaz/appledoc

After installing the appledoc, you can use “appledoc –help” to check how to use the command.

I built a script under folder of project with the following script:

appledoc –project-name <name of project> –project-company “Eyes,JAPAN Co.,Ltd.” –company-id jp.co.nowhere  <path to project>

There are some format to use for generating the documentation [1]:

It is also possible to create a target in the Xcode to generate document[2]


[1] http://gentlebytes.com/appledoc-docs-comments/

[2] http://lobodpav.wordpress.com/2012/06/09/documenting-you-code-in-xcode-4/

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